Your Mentality & Your Money

Bonnie Bardwell, Founder • Nov 19, 2021



You have certainly heard about the reticular activating system and what it's function is within your brain. It's best known for its role in promoting arousal, consciousness, and motivation. Now lets discuss it's role in your business adventures.  A prized piece of property just hit the market, advertised for more than what your are willing to pay. You work tedious hours acquiring fair market value and submitting a proposal and through all your hard work acquire the property slightly under fair market value.  Proudly, you celebrate with your friends and family. Upon reading the next day news you hear of any adjacent property purchased for a  significantly less amount.  Not so happy anymore? Did you fail at acquiring the prized piece of property at a lesser price?

Now you maybe questioning, how does this effect my money? When another gets a better deal or makes an extra dollar, many will start developing a "self-sabotaging" attitude. This is where the reticular activating system plays a role. It filters what one can mentally handle and only allows that amount in. Moving forward, we miss opportunities to increase revenue, due to this newly acquired attitude. A successful individual recognizes that while others may have obtained more, they certainly did not fail.

"I have never failed at anything. Somethings may have not worked out, but I have never failed" - Joseph Jaeger Jr.

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